What are the top three interview questions that are asked in some way by most interviewers?
- 1. Do you have the qualifications? Can you do the job?
With this question the interviewer is evaluating whether you have the technical background, training, education, capabilities, and experience to perform the job.
- Do you have a valid track record of results and accomplishments that match the position you’re interviewing for?
- Do you have the knowledge, intelligence, and political savvy to get the job done?
- 2. Will you fit in with our organization?
- Does the hiring authority envision you interacting with their team?
- Do you have a personality that shows a level of flexibility and a management style that can accommodate changes?
- Are you a team player?
- How well will you get along with your future boss and peers?
- How well will you get along with your subordinate staff?
The person hiring you is asking themselves, “If I make the decision to hire this individual, will that decision reflect well or poorly on me within the organization? Ideally, they want to see you as a good fit for their organization in terms of core values, personality, the ability to work with others, and the suitability to be part of their team.
- Why do you want the job?
I cannot stress enough how much of a difference strong enthusiasm plays in the interviewing process.
- Did you appear to the hiring authority as though you came fully prepared for the interview?
- Did you do your homework in advance?
- How much research on the company did you do in advance?
- How much did you engage and actively participate in the interviewing process and with all those with whom you interviewed?
For over 20 years I have been suggesting that you prepare for These are the 3 great interviewing questions. These are the ones that you will most likely be asked in some way or another. You need to be prepared for these common interview questions that will be asked during every interview.
You need to understand that these questions may be asked in the first interview and phone interview. If they are not asked in the phone interview, first interview then these will most likely be asked in your second interview.
Practice you answers in writing and aloud prior to each interview.
For more in depth additional information to help you with your job search, visit www.TheJobSearchExperts.com
Have a great interview and a great week!
Eleanor Anne Sweet
The Job Search Expert tm
The Expert in Job Search Solutions. Tm
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