Today I will talk to you about the sixth type of interview questions you ask the employer. These last two questions in some way are the most important of the all the questions we have discussed to this point.
If you have not had the chance at some point during the course of all the interviews you have had up to this point with the person you are interviewing with, then now is the time to ask this question.
This is a question that ideally should be asked at the end of the first interview with everyone you interview with.
Sometimes when you are in the process of the interview you can think that everything is going along great, but in fact the interviewer has serious concerns about your background. You need to uncover any concerns they may have relative to you being seriously considered as a candidate.
If you do not ask this question the odds are you will be doing yourself a great dis-service. If you do not ask the question, and you leave the interview without answering any negative concerns that they may have about your background, or any misunderstood thoughts. The more time that passes, the larger the negative thoughts or misunderstood information grows in the interviewers mind. It also makes it harder to reverse at a later date the negative lingering feelings they have in their minds regarding you.
So the insider tip from this executive recruiter is to ask the following question before you end the interview that you have with everyone you interview for the first time.
Question: Are there any concerns you have regarding me or my background professionally in terms of me seriously being considered as a viable candidate for this position?
If they do share with you some concerns they have, then listen quietly. Do not interrupt them.
Breathe in slowly. Collect your thoughts. Then address their concerns relative to your background in the areas that they have misunderstood.
You could say something like, “It sounds like I may not have explained clearly my professional background in the area ……”
If there is an area where they concerns are relative to experience you lack or is definitely a mismatch, realistically it will be difficult to turn that situation around.
My suggestion at this point is to ask, “Is there another area in the organization where my professional skills would be better suited?’ or “Is there anyone else that you know professionally that you feel would be able to utilized my professional background more and it would be a better match that you can refer me to?”
Again here, do not interrupt, just listen to their answers.
If they have some ideas for you, ask them if they could on your behalf contact the person prior to you actually contacting the person directly.
Next week I will discuss with you the seventh type of interview question to ask the employer, “When the tables are turned” and it is your turn to ask the interview questions to the employer.
Remember to continue to do your research on the organizations you will be interviewing with and applying for positions.
Good luck with your interviews this week.
I believe in you!
Good luck,
Eleanor Anne Sweet
The Job Search Expert. ™
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