Great Interview Questions: Interview Questions to Ask Employers: Part 7 of 7

Remember the goal is to get to the final interview and get the job!

Now we come to the last category or type of interview questions to ask the employer, Part 7  of 7.

Let’s assume at this point you are at the end of this interview, or the end of the entire interviewing process.

Given this current market place the entire process will most likely consist of one phone interview and 2-4 additional meetings face to face.

Early in the process or at some point someone shared with you what the standard interviewing process was. If they did not, then of course you asked this question yourself.

On the basis of that you will have been told directly or have a sense when you are near the end of the interview process, prior to an offer being extended to the final candidate.

In the final interview, and at the end of each interviewing process, you want to continue to express your interest in the position and pursing conversations heading toward an offer.

If you are in sales, you will be familiar with the term, “ask for the order”. This is where in sales you usually ask the client/customer for the business, hence, “ask for the order”.

I have had candidates fail this last interview by not “asking for the order, job”.

In the last interview you want to convey to them you enthusiastic interest in the position. Even if at this point you have mixed feelings, stay in the game to get an offer and then re-evaluate. This is not a labor market to toss aside viable potential job offers.

When you portray your enthusiastic interest in the position, do it with professionalism. Be genuine and do not sound desperate or strained.

Now the last type of question is to ask in the interview process is,

Question: “What is the next step from here?”

Question:  “Do you have a sense your timing relative to extending an offer?

Congratulations on getting an offer!

Remember to continue to do your research on the organizations you will be interviewing with and applying for positions.

Good luck with your interviews this week.

I believe in you!

Good luck,



Eleanor Anne Sweet

The Job Search Expert. ™

If you are looking for more great job search information, visit my other blog, “Sweet Job Advice”, located at


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