At this point let’s assume you have had your phone interview and finished your first face to face. At this point you are going into your second and third interview. Now the type of questions you would ask HR, human resources change slightly.
Every time you meet with human resources feel free to ask or re-ask questions that you are not sure were answered fully the first time, or based on their initial answers you wish to clarify the answer, to make sure you understand correctly the information.
If there is another way to confirm the information you are seeking and avoid asking the question again, the I strongly suggest you seek out the alternative means to get this same information. That will allow you the ability to ask new questions.
Unfortunately during the interview process you are always at the mercy of their schedule and not just solely yours. Similar to life, things can come up and you may find some of your interviews cut short due to come small emergency of the day at the company.
Moral of the story is to use your time wisely! Maximize your Q&A time with human resources that will really help move you forward with your job search.
If you have not ask this next question in your first face to face or had the information regarding the professional background on your perspective supervisor, now would be the time to ask this great interview question.
QUESTION: Would you please give me a better understanding of the professional background of the person I would be reporting to in this position? I would be interested in their professional background while they have been working here, but in addition prior to joining this organization, what was their professional background?
Human resources should know this answer. Most other people in the organization will not have as much in depth information on this question to answer you. Human resources are the gatekeeper of this information, with the exception of the supervisor.
QUESTION: Can you give me an idea of what my hypothetical career path would be for me in this position? Where could a realistically expect to be within the organization in next 3 years, (and 5 years?)
This is a great interview question to ask for two reasons. First in the answer will give you great insight into your future potential career path. Second it shows you are ambitious and eager for future career growth.
QUESTION: What professional advice would you give to someone in my position?
This will show that you are interested in their professional feedback and that you value their professional expertise. It is also a way to reach them in a more personal way. Finally it also shows that you are looking for improve yourself and move ahead professionally.
QUESTION: Would you please tell me a little bit about the people with whom I’ll be interviewing with?
Even though you may have uncovered some information regarding the people you will be interviewing, is always great to be able to pick up additional information and or validate what you uncovered on your own if accurate.
In addition it is a subtle way for you to get the “lay of the land’ in advance.
These are some great interview question to ask the human resource during our second and third interview. (Or first and second face to face interview)
I am suggesting if you have any questions regarding you job search that you go right now to There you can submit your most pressing job search question that you need an answer on. You will receive an answer back with 24 hours. (Monday – Friday).
In addition you need to make sure you are registered for our email list at where you will receive weekly job search tips.
Have a great week with all your interviews.
Eleanor Anne Sweet
Your Executive Job Search Expert Coach. Tm