With Great interview Questions one must also consider “What Great Interview Questions are you going to ask during your various interviews?”
First consider that in this current market it is taking a minimum of double the normal number of interviews to get hired. Before this deep recession and this new economy, it was not unusual to get hired on the average in 3-4 interviews.
Understand that the higher the level of the position that the executive is interviewing for the more interviews it will traditionally take to get interviewed.
Also the larger the company you are interviewing with the slower the interview process will tend to be in addition to more interviews. This is traditionally true to the fact that they will tend to have a more structured hierarchy with their interview process. You will also find with the larger organization that they will tend to at times “interview by committee.”
The rule of thumb is the more people involved the longer the process will take.
Let’s talk about the types of interviewing situations you can expect.
Types of Interviews
When interviewing with a company, you will find yourself in the following situation:
- Unstructured Interview
- More open ended questions
2. Structured Interview
- You are asked questions from a list
3. Informational Interview
- Where you network for information, not a job
4. Screening Interview
- Phone interview (majority)
- Face to Face ( more for local candidates)
5. One-on-One Interviews (most common of all)
- Individual Interview
6. Group Interviews
- Committee Interview
- Joint Interview ( 2-3 candidates interviewed at the same time)
- Department Interview
7. Interactive Interviews
- Professional Portfolio Interview
- Shadow Interview (spend time “on the job”)
- Case Interview (Asked to provide a solutions for actual problem)
8. Multimedia Interviews
- Computerized Interviews
(Answer questions on computer 1-2 hours)
- Videoconferencing Interview ( 50% Fortune 500 use this)
9. Lunch Interview
10.Stress Interview (key is to remain calm under pressure)
Lately it seems that the majority of first interviews in today’s market are now phone interviews. This change has evolved due to the time efficiency of the phone interview, in addition to the vast number of candidates that they have available to screen from. This is what makes the phone interview the first interview of choice by the majority of hiring authorities. It saves them both time and money!
The key is to be prepared for all types of interviews. If you have the opportunity, ask the person that is setting up the phone or face to face interview, you specifically you will be interviewing with.
This information will give you valuable help in researching their professional background(s) in advance prior to the interview. Usually when the question has been asked you will find out the expected format of the interview.
Next week we will discuss some successful job search strategies on the type of great interview questions you will want to ask when it is your turn to ask the questions in the interview.
Good luck with your interviews this week.
I believe in you!
Good luck,
Eleanor Anne Sweet
The Job Search Expert. ™
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