Great Interview Questions – 21 Common Interview Questions Part 4 – Questions 10-12
10. Which work habit would your current/recent boss like to see you change the most? One way to approach this question is to explain a minor difference or preference between you and your past supervisor. Alternatively, explain a weakness you and your boss have worked on together to improve. It is important to show…
Great Interview Questions: Common Interview Questions: Strength and Weaknesses Interview Question
One of the most common questions that is asked and feared in some ways is, “What are your strengths and weakness?” or “What is one of your strengths and one weaknesses?” or some variation on that. QUESTION: What are your strengths and weaknesses? ANSWER: My strengths are I have a good strong work ethic, I…
Great Interview Questions: Cosmic Lobsters
If you’re all out of ideas for questions to ask your future employer, do something crazy. If creativity has gotten you far, then try this. Think of two random words, like cosmic lobsters, and see where that takes you. It’s always worked for me. Vegetable Apocalypse. Purple snakes. Unicorn army. Demonic popcorn. Fluffy tofu. Teeth…