Great Interview Questions: Interview Questions to Ask the Employer Regarding Company Culture Part 5 of 7
Now we go into the fifth question type of question you ask the employer when the tables are turned, and it is your chance to ask questions regarding company culture. In this case of this type of interview question, you should ask this type of question to everyone one you interview with, human resources, hiring…
Great Interview Questions – 21 Common Interview Questions – Part 1
21 More Challenging Interview Scenarios 1. The unanticipated question from left field If during the interviewing process you find that you are asked a question you had not anticipated that slightly throws you off, here is a technique to help you handle the situation. This same strategy can be used when you are asked a particularly…
Great Interview Questions: How to Answer The Interview Question on Weakness
This is an example of answering the weakness question relative to your interpersonal skills. QUESTION: What do you consider to be your interpersonal skills? Which interpersonal skills do you think you could use improvement in? ANSWER: I actually consider interpersonal skills to be an area that I am strong in. With that all said and…