Great Interview Questions: The Interview, The Types of Interviews
Types of Interviews When interviewing with a company, you will find yourself in the following situation: Unstructured Interview More open ended questions Structured Interview You are asked questions from a list Informational Interview Where you network for information, not a job Screening Interview Phone interview (majority) Face to Face ( more for…
Great Interview Questions:Great Interview Questions to Ask Human Resources Part 1 of 4
I want to switch gears today and talk about Great Interview Questions to ask during the interview. Now the tables are turned and you need to ask the questions of the human resources person and the hiring authority. Today I will talk to you about great interview questions to ask of the human resource person…
Great Interview Questions: Different Styles of Interviewing Questions to Expect
There are two styles of executive job search interviewing: 1) Traditional executive job interviews which tend to use broad based questions. (Commonly felt to be 10% predictive of future on-the-job-behavior.) a) Does the executive job seeker have the needed skills? b) Does the executive job seeker have the ability to do the job? c) Does…